Collaboration made easy
One accounting platform, software always at the latest version, and one version of the data allows you to concentrate on adding value for your clients.

Multiple clients at your fingertips
Your single logon gives you instant and up-to-date access to all your clients in one place - wherever you are. Staff users can quickly identify clients with outstanding tasks via simple “traffic-lighting” of deadline compliance.

Self managed licensing
Issue and revoke service keys as needed - no minimum term. Optionally have your clients pay Liberty by Direct Debit or include the fee in your charges. Support for multiple profit centres with separate billing.

Charts of accounts
Create your own charts of accounts templates and manage key account settings for all clients globally.
Partners also benefit from these features:
Centralised management of MTD agent authorisation used for all staff users
Staff user roles control administrative features available to your staff
Export client trial balance to your statutory accounts package with relevant account codes
“Broadcast” messages and documents to clients via their accounts